Friday, February 5, 2010


Welcome to Las Femenistas de Lindsay!

This blog will be used to communicate ideas within the Femenistas of Lindsay! Make sure to add the blogger's link to your link list. And don't forget to look at the blog every now and then so that you can keep updated on the changes and the new business of Las Femenistas!

Now I will give you the summary of the last meeting which was held Thursday, February 4th 2010.

At the meeting we discussed the following question: If someone asks you what are Las Femenistas, what would you say?

We came up with a list that states some of our goals an values. More will come up as the group progresses.

We are women forming this grouip because
  1. we are and want to keep on being part of the community
  2. we are here to support each other
  3. we are women united in dispair
  4. we share similar struggles
  5. we want to represent all women
  6. we want to receive higher education and keep pushing other women to do so
  7. We don't judge each other
  8. we show respect
  9. We are here to support all women
  10. we give unconditional love
  11. we want to be role models for other students and women
  12. we want to learn of women's struggles through history
  13. We are positive and optimistic women

We are currently working on making shirts and/or sweatshirts for our group, we want to attend the ACHA HS conference and we want to have our shirts or sweatshirts done by then so the girls in charge of the design make sure you turn in your designs righ away. The conference is Feb 2oth.

We are not sure of the permanent times of the meetings but we know for sure that the meetings will be held every Thursday!

The next meeting will be held Thursday,February 11th in Marlas Room at 11 am.

Please take your lunch and got to Marla's room for the meeting.

We will see you there!

Last we are currently looking for a missionary statement to be our group motto, any suggestions please post a comment on the blog.

Once again Welcome!!!!